Bow / Hatchet General 0 311 52 day(s) bow/hatchet. Discover New World Builder, a website that allows you to create and share your builds for the MMO Amazon Games: New World.If you want to concentrate on getting through fights quickly, pairing the hatchet with a bow is a solid choice. New World levelling build: Weapon combinations.Edit, if you want the max out of you Dex and Con build, bow and spear is the way to go, also dont do light armor, do all medium but head and gloves, just keep the armor weight thing under heavy and u are at you max as medium dodge is better for bow build as its easyer and faster to shoot after a dodge.
Changed things up and switched my spec and gear to accomodate a 41/20/ BM build and tried out several weapons. Plugged in a few of the T6 bows, namely Bristleblitz and BBotBetrayer and the only thing better than this bow is the legendary from Sunwell.